04 May, 2009


Here is my silly cat. He was sleeping on the dogs pillow. I dont know what he was dreaming about to be sleeping in that position. But I thought he was funny looking.

Here is more pictures of my lazy kitty. Yes I really caught him drinking water like this. Can you say LAZY. lol

Just to let what friends I have following me I wanted to let you all know that my Friend Cher is doing a give away and there is only two days left go and check it out.


Nikky said...

those are awesome! I want to rub the kitty's belly! I also have a fat cat who is very lazy. if his food dish is to far away he just sticks his paw in it and pulls it closer! lazy fat cats are the funniest!

Jan n Jer said...

Oh the life of a cat. Now if we could all be that way.