As some of you know I have been childless since yesterday morning. I have always had one of my kids or a hubby with me at all times. Never have I been alone to do as I want when I want.
Okay day 1: Got off work at 7pm. came home, Watched Wizards, On Deck with Hannah Montana, Then the new epi of Hannah Montana, and the after that the new epi of Wizards of Weaverly Place, The two more epis of reruns of Hannah. Then after all the drama on the tv. I needed a drink. I headed to Fuddruckers and sat outside in my car for 20min. deciding if I should go in or just go home. I didn't know what to do. I finally went in and ordered me a salad and went to the bar. Had four Amaretto Di Saronno w/7up, they were good. I got home around 12:15 went to bed and that was all she wrote.
Today I went to work got home early and went to a garage sale and then to my MIL's sew up my appron for work and then came home. Didn't do much anything eles.
Current time: Got up at 7:45 from a nap and took a shower and now I am on here. I am going to head to Southbound and listen to a band that is on tonight. They are supposed to be really good I will let you know.
I will post as soon as possible to let you know what happens tonight and everything. I just can't wait till morning Andrea comes home. I won't feel so different. It just seems so empty without at least one of my family with me. Boy do I miss them ALL!
Good Night and have fun.
I hope you had fun at the band!
on my list of things to do in my 30's i have go to the bar alone...still haven't checked it off yet but i will! hope you had fun watching the band! were they a cover band or a local original band?
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